sábado, 27 de julho de 2013


Tantra became more exoteric in the 20th Century, and strongly associated with spiritual practices combined with the sex act, varying in gestures, rituals, worship, initiation, secrecy, meditation, deities, bodily friction, wet sexual release, and ‘spilling seeds’. Having the guidance of a Guru is not a prerequisite with Neotantra as with traditional Hindu, Buddhist, and Yoga disciplines. Rather than a specific doctrine often involving denial, spiritually motivated Neotantra is decidedly inclusive, oriented towards partners who include the world, its pleasures, its rewards, and its possibilities, while centered on divine unity. In addition to procreation, liberation, and illumination, most people who practice Tantra understand physically manifested sexual expression to include at least occasional pleasure and satisfaction on the denser planes, without shame, guilt, or fear. For those who refuse to be confined by lust and indulgence, tantric perceptualization can assist in exploring the core of humanity, transcending pre-conceived notions that constrict thinking, while eliminating limits imposed by cultural and linguistic frameworks. Liberation from adherence to traditions, rituals, convention, hierarchies, dogmas and prejudice can allow us to experience Full Spectrum Consciousness, fueled by our creative perceptualizations through Free Thought Tantra. 

Fundamentalists and some scholars, not always with distain, point out that most people misunderstand what Tantra is supposed to be about, that Tantric bliss differs from simple orgasmic pleasure generated from genital impulses in the name of spirituality. To some traditionalists, ‘spilling seeds’ will always be a sin against God; to others it includes Him in your love, whether or not for the purpose of procreation. No discipline has all the answers, truth is like a broken mirror, you find a piece here and there, in Tantra, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judea-Christianity, Islam, Taoism, Zen or whatever. The fragments can construct a screen you feel comfortable projecting your own reality onto. The fabric of your projection screen (Tantra) depends on the country you live in, the culture you were born into, the laws, community standards, traditions, and the way your brain is wired. Your past experiences, reason for being here, and tools that you brought are more important than archaic thought structures foreign to the 21st Century. Orthodox Asian fundamentalism was formulated when self-awareness and concepts of free will, immortality, reincarnation and karma were beginning to construct tunnel realities leading to goals and understanding using literal concepts. The true physical nature of the planets and universe eluded the human mind; apocalyptic destruction was considered a power limited to some Supreme Being or energy. Claiming that one man and a button could destroy most life on earth was unfathomable at that time. Myths and fables can be useful instructors, but Free Thinkers don’t need to carry their lessons around, they absorb truths and values when offered, and then get along with evolution.

Tantra is dynamic, not dualistic or based on static beliefs; it’s a vision of all reality as an expression of Divine Consciousness that also embraces Neotantra when practiced spiritually with love and compassion. Whenever we look at anything, we see through our own eyes with their unique manner of envisioning, depending of the experiences and expectations harbored in our brains, determined in part by all that we have met on our life paths. Dualistic Fundamentalists who claim Neotantra forms are idiosyncratic can’t be argued with. Free Thought Tantra disassociates itself from traditions relying on authority, religion, prejudice, convention and bias. It looks towards empiricism and pragmatism, with respect for neuropsychology and neuro-pharmacology.

When union involves love, surrender, and openness to life in all its expressions, it dissolves the illusion of separateness between material and spiritual realms, producing fusion. It is the same principle that allows for life throughout the universe. Life forms on Earth exist thanks to the Sun’s energy, a product of nuclear fusion when two hydrogen atoms become an atom of helium. Energy is produced when the two atoms fuse, no longer being separated. It is a reflection of how light and shadow, masculine and feminine, the Sun and Moon all dance together to weave the diverse threads of our experience into a majestic tapestry of life, His great celebration. We were all invited to the party, it doesn’t get any better, or any worse, it only depends on which side of the aquarium glass you think you’re on, and how deep you gaze into all He has created.

Free Thought Tantra can utilize sexual fulfillment and the mind stream’s radiance to incubate productivity and personal fulfillment. Self-reliance, communication, self-esteem, bonding, surrender, our reason for being; what we came here for, how we can make a difference, our need to survive and belong to something while still remaining individuals in a communal environment; all can contribute to our destiny and purpose.

In the 90s, Richard Barrett presented his ‘Seven Levels of Personal Consciousness Model’ as an introduction to Full-Spectrum Consciousness, referring to seven existential needs as principle motivating forces in human affairs.  His writings and workshops involving performance and leadership have been championed by Bill Clinton and Al Gore among many others. His thoughts have been employed to structure hundreds of businesses and corporations all over the planet. Barrett went on to present, community, corporate, and leadership levels of awareness as a means for cultural transformation through Full Spectrum Consciousness.  The precepts are shared by Free Thought Tantra, which also focuses on serving the collective consciousness, like Clear Light Yoga, intended to produce empathy and compassion to serve and benefit all life, in union with the Divine, the Absolute.

Venturing firmly into the paranormal, Free Thought ‘Full Spectrum’ Tantra considers us potential catalysts and transformers in metaphysical realms involving body jumping (perception through projection into one of the bodies of another being), and body surfing, when more than one other being is involved. Multi and hyper dimensions in the sense of multiple but limited hyperealities, including multi-universes on the other side of our time-space continuum, take into account the hyper dimensional metaforms found there. Psychic driving, the projection of repeated subliminal messages, along with telechanneling are contemplated, even through the use of non-biological means of amplification and modulation. Altered states and ‘out of body flight’ generated by the psyche can connect temporal singularities in space and time so that information may simultaneously flow between them. The result can be neuro-atomic sense perceptions associated with astral projection, out of body experiences, lucid dreaming, and remote viewing.

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