domingo, 7 de julho de 2013


Spiritual Tantra is matriarchal, natural, and sensory based; a practical and applied psycho-spiritual science, it treats the universe as a manifestation of pure consciousness divided into two poles or aspects. Reality is expressed within an illusion of separateness, which can be dissolved through sexual manifestation via fusion of polar opposites, masculine with feminine. Energy bodies ascend as twin souls propelled by perceptions involving touching, body language, sensations, recognition, sound and vibration (Mantras), geometric forms (Yantras), chakra clearing, harmonization, and integration. One of the objectives is to induce liberation from the chains of sexual lust and indulgence, masculine essence integrating with feminine to propel relations to astral levels, where spiraling spirits dance together in communion.

Tantra is a set of practices, techniques, and perceptualizations for liberation, expansion,integration, and illumination. Some who follow Buddhist Tantra practices maintain a physical partner is unnecessary, an imaginary partner can be perceived in their place. For this flavor of Tantra, rechanneling of energy is more important than the integration of essences; sexual activity is peripheral, not central. Such White Tantra involves re-directing sexual energy for spiritual transformation, creative endeavors, healing, expanded awareness, enlightenment, and deeper connection with the Divine. Individuals who enter into exercises with you are considered mirrors more than partners. 

Tantra is about the divinity of persons, regardless of age or exterior differences. It does not judge or possess moralistic attitudes. Fantasies and curiosities are opportunities for gathering knowledge about the true nature of the self, while expanding consciousness and experiencing love, the highest form of religion. Sex and pleasure are only components of an experience leading to awareness. Tantra is most appropriate for partners and polyamorous groups who love, though erotic consciousness and Tantric sexual methods may be practiced alone, or with the etherial body of a physical, even virtual entity.

Sexual experiences are sacred, capable of elevating participants to a higher plane. Massage and touching are aimed at awakening the Kundalini, with exercises frequently containing erotic elements. Some forms of Tantra include orgasm by a person being massaged, liberating Kundalini energy to activate the Chakras in worship of the feminine Divine, the objective being full-body orgasms. Other forms of Tantra do not preclude mutual orgasms, opening a plethora of realms for exploration and gratification. Even the path of indulgence can lead to spiritual expansion, integration, and communion if the mind is properly focused, especially in the presence of unconditional love.

Tantra is dynamic, not dualistic. One method of expression may lead to another, or back and forth. Tantra sessions can evolve to full-bore hot wet sex, celebrating the realms of the senses. Respect for Tantra doesn’t mean you have to withhold energies, or abandon ephemeral pleasures for fear of offending the Divine. The illusion of separateness was created through the individuation of Spirit, as our learning tool in a theater for His entertainment.

The Soul is an individuation of Spirit; the mind is a byproduct, an observer.

The physical body is manifested as an energy configuration of Soul-Spirit interaction.

The mind’s attempt to dominate this Soul-Spirit interaction causes many of our problems; its surrender to love allows us to share His greatest gift.

If you Google the word Tantra along with the name of a large city, you’ll see no shortage of temples, teachers, massage therapists, healers, Shamans, priestesses, princesses, sex therapists, experts, authors, cosmologists, and people who have gone to Asia or a mountain to study with a Guru or Master.  Some are on the paths of service and transmutation, writing, teaching, assisting and inspiring. There are also sex professionals waiting to relieve stress, cleanse, purify, and bless, along with reorganize your spirit, body parts and finances.  

A conflicting variety of opinions, practices, exercises, and beliefs surround Tantra, from orthodox fundamentalist Asian spiritual practices, with accompanying metaphors and myths, to vague promises of sexual, emotional, and spiritual fulfillment laden with confusing terms used interchangeably to fit the occasion.
Manuals and books amounting to ambiguous compilations, and psychological exercises disguised as workshops and seminars deal with life force energy, Tantra, Chi, Prana, Eros, Ka, and Ki, or finding Soul Mates, Twin Souls and Flames.

There are many formulas combining harmony, liberation, expansion and integration leading to higher states of consciousness, many paths to synergy with Divine Light. Tantra doesn’t recognize age, race, class, or sexual category. Souls are genderless. Soul and Spirit collaborate to manifest physical form and gender to permit expression and offer learning experiences. Androgyny can provide an appropriate balance of essences; the perception of being born into an incongruous gender may be a Karmic opportunity to understand prejudice and intolerance, manifested in a previous life cycle, or on another dimensional plane. Same sex relationships, and meta-sexual expression involving fusion and Tantra are not excluded from the communion of essences; they merely represent alternate forms of manifestation.

After centuries of discrimination and repression by Asians, and then the British, Tantra experienced a rebirth outside of India as a remedy for western religions and their side effects. When it deviated from Traditional Orthodox Hindu and Buddhist practices, Tantra earned the name Neotantra. There are now so many philosophical permutations that Tantra Fundamentalists have taken to snubbing some as Plastic, Pop, or California Tantra. Quite often, teachers, writers, and scholars find the need to distinguish traditional spiritual White Tantra from Red, Dark, Black, Left Handed, or the generalized category of Neotantra.

Western civilization often hypocritically pretends to embrace sexuality with liberalism, while using it to control and enslave through laws and cultural mores. Religions and the religious serve a purpose benefiting humanity, but only when they’re not busy campaigning for denial, suffering, and sacrifice. Tantra on the other hand, is a vehicle for spiritual transfiguration using the essences of sexual energy liberated through love. Sexual union producing love carries humans to their divine origin. When they exchange energies to reach loving union with one another, their souls integrate with the universe, helping to hold it together. Tanta is a philosophy designed to eliminate shame and guilt, not prey on it. This doesn’t work very well into the plans of those wearing red caps and slippers in Rome and Asian mountains who want to monopolize spirituality and redemption by controlling blind followers through fear, shame, and guilt. Especially Christian religions sell salvation by trying to displace sex, attributing erotic pleasures to the Devil, making them an offense to God. Denial of pleasures gives disciples more time and energy to sacrifice themselves, better able to provide for the privileged religious aristocracy. Placing a price on $piritual evolution, and suggesting that God knows when a person is being generous should always raise a red flag. Donations, generosity, and tithing need to originate from the heart and free will. Though all contain at least some truths, Sacred Books and Orthodox teachings are too often utilized for merchandising both the material and immaterial.  Rituals, myths, fables and traditional cultural beliefs, along with organized hierarchies have served useful purpose throughout history, but we have now entered the information age.

There is nothing wrong with tried and true ancient rituals and techniques when appropriate, as long as they’re not taken too seriously; they’re only road maps after all. Free Thought Tantra is for adventurers wary of those with their hands out, not for followers or disciples.  Plastic Shamans are everywhere, some of them do wondrous work, help others, and can’t be criticized for wanting to be supported. However, when you are given the impression that you need them, or it’s unsafe to go it alone, you need to carefully consider what they have to offer. Suggestions, indications, or at the most questions are all anybody has a right to offer you, not manipulation, direction, or mind control. At that point their true motives have to be questioned. If you need to be a follower, remember the consequences, and be prepared to accept the outcome of going along for the ride. 

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